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Help Bees Help YOU!

Hey, you! Yeah, you! You like food, right? Well, so do bees. And bees (being the bad ass little pollinators they are) help provide us with so much of the food we eat to stay alive. Cheerios and Veseys Seeds recognize the major decline in bee colony numbers and are giving away MILLIONS of wildflower seeds for FREE to people in the U.S. and Canada to encourage people to do their part and get planting!


Cupcakes and Machetes and I have already signed up for our seeds so give into peer pressure and be sure to do it too! It’s seriously SO easy. Just click this magical link of awesomeness and get those free seeds!! πŸ˜€

Not a bad deal, right? Everyone wins. Free flowers, bees get some much-needed help, you get to enjoy some gardening when spring hits, bee colonies hopefully grow and flourish and the world gets to continue stuffing their faces with all those delicious fruits and veggies and other nutritious noms.


We’re all on this planet together, and it’s up to us to take care of one another and the earth itself. Even simple little things like this make a big difference if enough of us get off our butts and do something.


18 thoughts on “Help Bees Help YOU!

  1. I can grow anything, as long as its not a flower. I donΒ΄t know why but I canΒ΄t grow things I canΒ΄t eat, must be some kind of mental block.

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    1. Oh, wow! That’s a really good sign though to hear that they ran out. Sorry you weren’t able to get any of the free seeds but I’m so excited to hear that you’ll be planting this Spring anyway! πŸ˜€

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    1. Thanks! πŸ˜€ Yeah, bees are so incredibly important and wildlife is just wonderful in general. Apparently this wildflower seed project did really well and they quickly surpassed their goal and ran out of seeds to send people. Hopefully it winds up helping! πŸ™‚

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