Posted in Uncategorized, Writing, Writing, Tra La La

Bring On the Writing Memes!

Today is another busy day, but I’m doing my best to squeeze in some writing where I can! As well as doing some shopping for a certain BFF of mine’s upcoming birthday. (Cupcakes and Machetes, you spoiled bitch, you!) 😛 ❤

I also wanted to squeeze in a quick blog post, so prepare yourselves, Memes Are Coming! Writing memes to be exact! 😉


This is probably true.
FACT: I am beyond guilty of this. My main character is still known as MC in my first draft at this point. But I can tell ya all about how she looks, her back story and family history, etc. lol  /FAIL.


Also, if I were ever to be put on trial for murder, my google search history would probably condemn me to life in prison. Hey, man, writers gotta do their homework on grim topics sometimes. 😛
Hmm . . . some of you may have not been alive long enough yet to get this meme.
Truth! I’m a total plot hopper. I write around.


This is so true. I have to prepare like I’m about to present a business project any time I am asked to explain what the hell I’m currently writing about.


lol And this is why I’m so horrible at explaining what I’m writing about to people. It’s almost like it’s easier to write the whole damn book than to briefly explain it. 😛


So, yeah, those are the writing memes I decided to share! 🙂 Do any of these memes strike true to you when you’re writing, too?

Maybe tomorrow I’ll post some writing inspirational quotes I like if I can squeeze it in. Happy writing/blogging, everyone!! ❤

28 thoughts on “Bring On the Writing Memes!

  1. Hehe all very true I’d say. My dad used to write these really creepy horror stories for me when I was in my teens. His last one was about a man who slowly went insane because his wife was constantly belittling him. He didn’t kill his wife, instead he killed her prize winning poodle Flopsy haha. He killed Flopsy by placing her head in a vice and taking a chainsaw to it. Before you ask mum Dad loves me mum very much, after nearly 50 years of marriage. We never had a poodle called Flopsy either haha. My dad taught me from a young age to push boundaries in all sorts of ways. Writing wansjust one of them. Needless to say mum english teachers were often very concerned for me when I handed in creative writing pieces hahaha.

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    1. lmao Damn, that’s dark! That’s so cool that your dad wrote stories for you. Glad to hear those tales were purely fictional though! 😉
      I was lucky and most of my teachers were okay with most of my morbid writing in school. I think the only time it bit me in the ass was when I had to pick a trial, any trial, to write about in high school and I chose one from the 1500s about a German farmer who wound up being one of the most notorious werewolf trials in history. He’d been accused of murder, cannibalism, and confessed under torture to practicing black magic and being able to turn into a monstrous wolf to carry out his evil deeds. I wasn’t claiming in my paper that werewolves were real, but it was the topic I picked because I found it the most interesting at the time. It was a trial, and that’s what I’d been asked to write about. The teacher graded the paper a D and said that it wasn’t the sort of trial he wanted me to write about but that he could tell I’d done research and he would let me re-write it on a more “appropriate topic” for a better grade. Me being the stubborn teenager I was I kept the barely passing grade rather than re-write it because I felt he should have been more specific if he didn’t want historical trials from when people believed in werewolves and witches. lol

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      1. Hmm, now I want to read your essay. Or look up that same trial. Werewolves are my second favourite monsters after zombies. My real first name and surname could be related to werewolves as a matter of fact but alas I don’t share such things hehe so I’ll just have to leave you guessing.

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      2. Hi. I just wanted to tell you that your post and link about Stumpp inspired my mates and I to write a song about him. It’s a pretty dark song, obviously but also one of our fastest. We rehearsed it for the first time tonight. If/when we ever complete it I’ll share it somehow. Maybe via Soundcloud. Anyway, thought you’d like to know 😊

        Liked by 1 person

      3. That’s seriously awesome!! 😀 I’m really excited to hear it once you guys finish it. I had no idea you were in a band. That’s cool. What do you do in the band and what kind of sound do you guys have if you don’t mind me asking? 🙂

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      4. I’ve been in and out of bands for the last twenty years. For the last ten I’ve been in a blues and roots band where I sing and play percussion but about a month ago my very first band reformed. This band is punk metal in which I play drums. They want me to sing as well but I might share that job with another fella. I love drums! I have some very rough (phone recordings) demos at the moment with no singing. I can email it to your or something. It’s really rough though as we only just played it for the first time on Friday night.

        Liked by 1 person

      5. Nice! 😀 Yeah, that would be cool. I’m trying to figure out how to send you a private message or something with my e-mail on here but I’m not sure exactly how to do that. :/

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