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Belated January 2022 Art Update

Man, February was an intense and upsetting month, so here’s to what will hopefully be better days as we move into March. I’ll do a proper February Wrap-Up Post soon, but first I wanted to catch up on a post I’d planned to do much earlier in the month. It may be a little late, but I wanted to share my art update for January, so let’s do this! 😀


Having the absolute best best friend a girl could ask for for over 2 decades has embedded a strong appreciation for friendship in me, so I just wanted to draw a fun little picture of two BFF’s taking a selfie together. ❤ They actually remind me a lot of 2 of the characters in the story I’m writing, so it’s another instance where one creative hobby starts to bleed into the other. 🙂


Werewolves are always fun to draw. I had an especially amusing time making that big toothy wolf grin. 😀


I wanted to do a quick experimentation in working out comic panels but since I didn’t have a plan of what to fill those panels with and was mostly looking at it as a bit of rough practice, I decided to go with something I was already familiar with. Hence, this Sailor Moon transformation I did in my own style. It’s meant to be messy and rough around the edges since I was mostly focused on panel layout and trying out a couple new techniques and tricks I was learning.

I managed to squeeze in some more art work in February over on my Instagram account, so I’ll try to make sure I share them over here in the near future too. 🙂 I’m slowly starting to pick up new handy little tricks here and there on Procreate, so hopefully I’ll be able to learn and draw some more in March too. I’ve been hard at work on the second draft of my book I’m writing (whenever I’m not too burnt out from work/life in general) so we’ll see what I can manage. 🙂

Did you find any time for any particular hobbies this month? ALSO, if you happen to have any handy tips for making more time for the hobbies you enjoy, please feel free to share! 

12 thoughts on “Belated January 2022 Art Update

  1. Love the experimentation! Your style is so much fun to look at too. And the Sailor Moon hommage is brilliant. 😛 Thanks for sharing!

    P.S. I wanted to let you know that I’ll soon be starting my own solo blogging journey and was hoping that we could continue to follow each other there going forward. No obligations whatsoever but I just wanted to maintain our interaction in the future. Stay safe! 😀


  2. That werewolf is like, uh, a bit seductive! I like it!

    Did Ashleigh give you a copy of My Best Friend’s Exorcism? It’s a book I mailed to her because it’s about two best friends from elementary school who are now in high school, and one of them gets possessed. It reminded me of you two, lol. I think I told her to pass it on to you.

    As for making time for hobbies, I do a trick to hold myself accountable that I know most people don’t want to do. I put time on my Google calendar and then add a reminder so it pings on my phone, too. Basically, if I said I was going to do something at a certain time, I do it. That’s just how my brain works. Other people have told me that they feel like that’s just “homework,” so I guess it depends.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Haha Thank you! 😉
      I have not read that one yet, but she did tell me about it and I’ll definitely have to borrow it at some time.
      I actually love that idea using your Google calendar. I am constantly setting alarms on my phone so I remember to do things.

      Liked by 1 person

  3. February was definitely THE SUCK.
    Your artwork always impresses me. ❤
    If losing Ozzy has inspired anything in me, it's to enjoy life more. Fuck work. Fuck anything that isn't fun and makes you happy.
    He would want his aunt to live her best life and enjoy every second of it. ❤

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