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Happy Earth Day + Garden Haul + Garter Snake Pics

Yay! Not only does it finally feel like spring here in Michigan, but it’s also Earth Day! πŸ™‚ It was the perfect day to get outside, enjoy some fresh air, and start planning for this year’s gardening.

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After an absolutely fabulous margarita-drag queen-and-true crime-filled start to the weekend withΒ Cupcakes and Machetes, today was a laid back, lazy day mostly spent outside. I went out with my mom to a fantastic garden center and nursery that was having some really good sales. Here’s some pics from my little plant haul:

Peas, Parsley, and Basil.


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There are some yummy salads in my future. πŸ˜›


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Strawberries in the making!

I didn’t get a pic of the cherry bush I bought my mom as an early Mother’s Day gift, but she was really excited about it. πŸ™‚ The place we went to was wonderful and I wanted to buy all the things. (Especially with all the great deals they had going on.)

I hope everyone is having an amazing Earth Day and that the weather where you’re at allows you to get out and fully enjoy the great outdoors. ❀ Considering it was about a week ago that I had to literally chisel my way into my car because it was completely covered in a thick layer of ice, I was more than ready for some nice weather like this.

Aaaand here’s some cute little garter snake buddies I crossed paths with while out and about today.

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