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New Moon, Who Dis?

Woo! It’s a new moon, which means I’m thinking all about new goals and intentions for the weeks to come. This, of course, includes my blog! I wanted to dust some of the old cobwebs off and give the ol’ gal a bit of a makeover. So, I changed my color scheme around to include more purples and updated my header art, as well as my little icon/avatar thing. Nothing too different, just a little bit more life breathed into them.




Untitled_Artwork (4)




Untitled_Artwork (3)

I guess I mainly just wanted bolder colors and cleaner line art than what I’d previously had up. It’s a cold, rainy and beautiful fall day out over here, so it’s been the perfect day to get cozy and snuggled up with a blanket and pumpkin spice chai latte with honey and extra cinnamon while I work on giving my blog the update I felt it so badly needed. ❤

This October has been amazing so far and I really hope to keep that momentum up as we draw closer to Halloween. I’ve been doing a lot of writing and editing again on my book after being so busy and burnt out for what feels like ages. Hoping to keep at it, especially with NaNoWriMo right around the corner. 😉

How’s your October going?? What goals and projects are you working on?

5 thoughts on “New Moon, Who Dis?

  1. I very much enjoy the bolder color and cleaned up lines! It looks great! Sometimes we all need a little refresh. Periodically, I think about doing the same to mine and then I think about what a hard time we had with creating Sugar and Scream and I promptly quit considering it.
    This autumn has been oodles of fun and I cannot wait for the next couple of weekends! 😀

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  2. It literally looks like you dusted off the old art because you went from the muted colors to the bright ones, lol. You, my dear, are an internet witch! I look forward to hearing more about your November writing journey.

    Liked by 1 person

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