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2 Year Blogiversary AND 301 Followers!


Hey, guys! 😀 Today officially marks 2 years since this Ignited Moth first fluttered onto WordPress, and just like any moth to the flame, I just can’t seem to stay away. There is such a fantastic community of bloggers here. So thank you ALL for making this such a fun place to come to, to post, to read, and to chat with all you awesome people. ❤


In other exciting blog-related news, I just reached 301 Followers here at my humble little nook in the WP blogosphere, and that makes me so happy. 🙂 Thank you all for the support and having taken an interest in my ramblings, doodles, pictures, and the like. It really does mean a lot. ❤ ❤ ❤


I mentioned recently that I’d really be pushing myself and making more time for pursuing my creative endeavors in the second half of the year, and that is still the plan. So from this point forward, expect more art/writing/etc. posts peppered in again with the usual reviews and ramblings. I’m hoping to give the good ol’ blog a nice makeover soon as well. So lots of new stuff to come! 😀

Aaaand to those of you celebrating it, Happy 4th of July! ❤ I’d wanted to make this post much bigger and grander, BUT today I’m going with my boyfriend to his family’s big 4th of July bash and there is an Oreo dessert and S’more dessert to be made, so off I must go. I’ve given myself a nice little vacation from work surrounding the holiday so I’ll be using this time to catch up on some writing, reading, drawing, and blogging (my own and catching up on what all you fine and fancy folk have going on!) 😉

Have a great week, everyone, aaaaaaand thank you for your:



24 thoughts on “2 Year Blogiversary AND 301 Followers!

  1. Woohoooo, that’s amazing! Happy Blogiversary!
    I hope you saved me some Oreo dessert, that sounds yum – hope you had a great 4th July celebration and enjoy the mini break from work stuff! 🙂
    Caz x

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you!! ^_^
      The break from work was definitely a much-needed and very-enjoyed time. 🙂 I hope you’ve been doing well and that you had a great weekend! ❤


  2. Happy Blogiversary! 😀 And congratulations on reaching 300+ followers. That’s seriously amazing! ❤


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