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Hell Fest (2018) No-Spoiler Review


It’s October, boys and ghouls, so that means things are about to get pretty spooky around here! Halloween is fast-approaching, so what better time to sink your teeth into a bunch of horror movies, new and old? My first horror movie review for the month is for a film that just hit theaters September 28th called Hell Fest.

I’d seen the trailers and felt pretty indifferent to going to see it or not, but Mr. Moth was just curious enough about it to want to check it out, so I agreed. ‘Tis the season, right? 😉 Plus, he’s going to see the new Halloween movie with me when it comes out, so I kind of had to be a good sport. 😛

Unfortunately, it didn’t take very long into the movie for even him to say, “I think this may be one of those bad horror movies that’s just actually bad.” Not to say that it was a total disaster of a movie, but it was pretty middle of the road in my opinion. I’ve seen worse, but I have definitely seen far better and more memorable. I will say, though, that Hell Fest does a good job of making you excited for Halloween and haunted attractions. If Hell Fest itself was a legit thing I would want to go and experience it for myself (minus the stabby stabby parts, of course!)

The movie also (briefly) has horror icon Tony Todd in it, so that was cool. 🙂

hell-fest-trailer (2)

Hell Fest is your basic sort of slasher film, set in a massive horror themed amusement park. If you’ve seen your fair share of slasher flicks, I think it’s safe to say you probably know the drill by now: masked killer picks group of young adults to terrorize, lots of stabbing, making out, and questionable decisions ensue. I think the main thing Hell Fest does have that sets it apart is the cool setting it takes place in. If you love Halloween and haunted attractions you’ll probably be able to appreciate how much effort must have gone into all the different sets, mazes, costumes, props, etc.

Aaaaand, in case you missed it, here’s the trailer:

So, that pretty much sums up my review for Hell Fest. I’m looking forward to feeding into my horror cravings more throughout the rest of October. How about you?? Watched any good horror movies recently? Planning on binge-watching a bunch before Halloween? Let’s talk about it! 😀

26 thoughts on “Hell Fest (2018) No-Spoiler Review

  1. Mr. Cupcakes & Machetes (as I’m now calling him because of Mr. Moth lol) and I watched Texas Chainsaw Massacre 2 (I had never seen it) and Puppet Master: The Littlest Reich on Monday. Both of which are fucking terrible lmfao. It was fun though.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Haha Yes! I like it. 😀
      I think I’ve only ever seen the first Puppet Master movie, and even that was soooo long ago that I don’t remember a whole lot of it at this point. Terrible but fun horror is always a treat, though. 🙂

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      1. With Puppet Master I think you can watch any of them out of order and it doesn’t really matter. I asked Rob like one question about the history and I don’t think I would be missing much if I didn’t know the answer.

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  2. Damg I thought it qould actually be a good movie. Oh well still going to see it with friends for the fun of it. Hocus pocus came on yesterday and really started the halloween season for me. Great review!

    -Luna 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks! ❤
      It wasn't a horrible movie, just very middle of the road for me, but other people might love it. It was fun. Looking forward to seeing what you and your friends think of it. 🙂
      Ah, I looooove Hocus Pocus. ❤ 😀


  3. This sounds awful 😆 I’d still give it a shot though! I second A Quiet Place, and totally not related to horror but to Hell Fest, a French movie about a black metal band going to hellfest – can’t remember how’s it called but it was hilarious 😂 You can reply here what I asked on the previous post about movies/shows if you want, it’s more appropriate. 😁 I also want to watch The Nun but I’m afraid of the hype 🤔

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I’m definitely gonna have to check out A Quiet Place. Everyone keeps telling me how good it is! 🙂
      Haha I think I know the movie you’re talking about, I had a friend recommend it to me before, but I also can’t think of the name. 😛
      I definitely have some horror/Halloween shows and movies I wanna watch this month. The new Halloween, and the new Netflix show The Chilling Adventures of Sabrina, are 2 of the new ones I want to check out, but I also plan to watch a bunch of random horror movies and treat myself to annual faves like Hocus Pocus and Trick ‘r Treat, along with The Nightmare Before Christmas, of course. 😉 What about you?? The Nun did look good, and I like that main actress in it playing the (non-demonic) nun. lol

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Yep, it was really original! 🙂

        Ooh yes, the new Halloween is on my list too, and Sabrina of course! 🙂 Hocus Pocus is a must, and The Nightmare Before Christmas of course. 🙂 I never watched Trick ‘r Treat, so thanks for the rec! I’ll actually go and see The Nun tonight at the cinema, so fingers crossed. 😀 I loved Conjuring and the last Annabelle, but Conjuring 2 was a bit weak for me, hope The Nun will be good! Dunno, I’m having a movie marathon with friends, we’re considering either Tim Burton’s movies, or silly horror movies to add to Hocus Pocus, like Vampire in Brooklyn, or the oldies. Either way I can’t wait! 🙂

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      2. Haha Omg I forgot all about Vampire in Brooklyn! 😛 That’s awesome. Sounds like you and your friends will have a blast with your movie marathon. 🙂
        I can’t wait for the new Sabrina series to come out. It looks like it’s going to be so good!

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  4. The only film I’ve seen set in horror amusement parks was the Scooby Doo live action movie, the one with Mr Bean in it 😂 That and a quick glance of — I think it was called the Child of Chucky or something (?) is my entire experience with horror films. Oh and Coraline because that was creepy af and scared 15-year-old me 😂

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