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October At Last!

Huzzah! October at last! I had the pleasure of ringing in the spookiest of months telling scary stories and sharing laughs over a massive bonfire with friends, all while sipping delicious apple cider cranberry margaritas. Needless to say, it was the perfect way to kick off my favorite month!


Mr. Moth and I made the trek out to Mr. and Mrs. Cupcakes & Machetes‘ neck of the woods this weekend for a frenzy of fun fall festivities: making Halloween crafts with friends, visiting the best cider mill around for dangerously good hard cider slushies and donuts, shopping the cute downtown area where they live, awesome outdoor dining at their local brewery, and the beautiful and really fun wedding of one of our good friends from book club! ❤ I usually hate dancing at weddings, but this one was loads of fun!


Now that it’s officially October, I’ve been participating in the annual drawing challenge Inktober by posting some new art over on Instagram. I may hop around and try prompts from some of the other art challenges going on right now, but we’ll see. I’m not taking it too seriously this year. I just want to not stress and have fun with it. 🙂 I’ll be sharing the drawings here too this month, so expect some random art posts in the next few weeks!

There’s a lot I’m excited for this October, and I can’t wait to share all the spooky fun with you guys. ❤ Let me know what you’re most excited for this October and Halloween season!


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