Posted in Random Fun Stuff, Uncategorized, Whatcha Reading??

Cute Comic Couple

Ah, Valentine’s Day is nearly upon us and love is in the air. And for those of us who don’t feel it, at least there is discounted candy to look forward to on February 15th.


So for a bit of holiday fun I figured I would take some time to share my thoughts on one of my favorite comic book couples: Saga‘s very own dynamic duo, Alana & Marko.

Alana, Marko, and their child, Hazel.

Their tale takes the whole star-crossed lovers trope and runs with it in the most awesome way possible: an intergalactic space opera/fantasy that pulls you in from the very beginning and leaves you begging for more. Like, seriously, I have only gotten to read the first volume so far, and I am already fully invested in these two as a couple.

D’awww! ❤

Alana and Marko’s story begins with war but turns into so much more than that. Despite the hardships of being on the run, raising a newborn, fighting off bounty hunters, and everything in between, these two never lose sight of how much they care for one another and for their child. They do whatever it takes to keep their little family together and alive.


It’s rare that I so quickly and so fully get behind a couple the way I did with these two, but I couldn’t help myself. Each of them is an enjoyable character in their own right, and together they’re just perfection. Like peanut butter and chocolate. Yeah, poetic, I know. 😛

If you haven’t picked up Saga yet I truly cannot recommend it enough. Every person I’ve encountered that has read volume 1 agrees that it is an instant favorite and that they cannot wait to get their hands on the next volumes. Believe me, you will want to see for yourselves the moving story of these two.


8 thoughts on “Cute Comic Couple

  1. Looks awesome and peanut butter and chocolate goes with everything!!! Well, maybe not EVERYTHING lol. I will add it to my comic book reading list (which is very short because I have no idea where to start lol). I like that one character looks to have a light saber of some sort in his hands and the captions “Can’t Make Any Promises.” 🙂 Thanks for another great post!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you so much! ^_^
      I’ve heard a lot of people say that this series is actually a really good place for people to get started with comics. I can totally see why, too. It’s highly entertaining and engaging. Wonderful art and characters. I’d love to hear your thoughts on it if/when you get around to reading it.

      Liked by 1 person

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