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Mystery Blogger Award


Lately I’ve been fortunate enough to be nominated for multiple blogging awards, and I am sincerely thankful for each and every one of them. ❤


“F-for ME? Really??” It’s soooo shiny! :O

I still have the others to fill out yet but I thought I’d get started with the latest nomination from Kate, the lovely blogger behind All The Trinkets. If you haven’t yet ventured over to her blog I do highly recommend it. She’s always so nice and her blog focuses on creativity, passion and inspiration.



  • Display the award logo on your blog.
  • List the rules. Copy.
  • Thank the blogger who nominated you and provide a link to their blog.
  • Mention the creator of the award and provide a link as well. Wait, who created this?
  • Tell your readers three things about yourself.
  • Answer five questions from the nominator. Okie.
  • Nominate from 10 to 20 bloggers.
  • Notify the bloggers by leaving a comment on their blog.
  • Ask your nominees any five questions of your choice, including one weird or funny question.
  • Share the link to your best post.


Three Things About Little Ol’ Me:

Hmmm . . . I’m going to try to think of three things about myself I have yet to talk about in this blog. This might be a bit tricky though since I think I’m pretty open about things here.

Thing #1: I like to do volunteer work. I’ve volunteered as a side walker at an equine therapy place for people with mental and/or physical disabilities, and at a farm animal sanctuary with Cupcakes and Machetes, and also for part of a tutoring group a few years back when I was taking classes toward getting certified as a PCT. I’d love to do more volunteering in the near future as well. My family was also really involved in foster care for rescue dogs when I was younger. I think it’s important to help out in the community. Never underestimate the difference it can make.

Thing #2: Most people have birthday cake to celebrate their birthday, but my mom always makes me banana cream pie with a shortbread crust. It’s sooo good.

Thing #3: I am, and always have been, a TERRIBLE liar. Which is kind of a good thing because I don’t like to lie anyway, but I mean my poker face is virtually nonexistent. In fact, I usually start smiling or laughing because it’s so uncomfortable for me. In the past year and a half I’ve started playing tabletop games and there are some that are just impossible for me to play, like Sheriff of Nottingham. This game involves the players having to bluff and lie and trick the player who happens to be the sheriff at that given time. Let’s just say, they always figure me out. lol

Kate’s Questions / My Answers:

Question 1: What or who inspired you to blog?

I think I’d say fellow blogger Cupcakes and Machetes really got me into blogging. We’re BFFs in real life and we tend to enjoy a lot of the same things and do them together. We’ve even co-written a few different older blogs together in the past. So you can blame her for my long-winded ramblings here. 😛

Question 2: What was the biggest obstacle you overcame last year? Or recently, really?

Well, this is a pretty heavy question for me, but I’m going to say depression. Just about two years ago now I went through something that emotionally gutted me. It seriously broke me. It’s difficult even thinking back on the low point I hit mentally after that. My mental health was dangerously low and it took some serious time and support to get through it. It really affected my confidence, my entire way of thinking about not only myself, but life in general. It definitely changed me as a person but I survived and got through it.

Question 3: What’s your every day mantra?

Take things one day at a time. Accomplish small goals that will add up to the bigger ones you desire. All accomplishments, no matter how small, are still moving you in the right direction. The best things in life don’t come easily so keep at it. Each and every day.

Question 4: If you’re allowed one impossible thing only you can do, what would that be?

Teleport! 😀 I think it would be amazing to be able to just see the world. Visit anyone or any place at any time you wanted. Think of all the amazing things you’d be able to see and learn and experience.

Question 5: What’s your spiritual mythical creature?

As of right now I’d have to say a phoenix. As cliche as it sounds I got burnt. Bad. And now I’m working toward rising from the ashes. It isn’t an instant rise, but most aren’t. I hope to keep at it and get there soon though! I’m on a path of self improvement and very determined.


My Best Post?

Um . . . I don’t know! lol I think the ones I do about writing in general tend to do the best as far as likes and new visitors if you’re speaking from a technical standpoint.

All The Fine, Classy Folks I Nominate:

Cupcakes and Machetes

The Shameful Narcissist Speaks

Gamers United GG

Precinct 1313

Pink For Days

By Hook or By Book

Forged From Reverie

Imperial Rebel Ork

The Necro Nom-Nom-Nomicon

The Brunette Bookworm Blog

Darth Toothpick


The Happiest Pixel

The Maniacal Book Unicorn

Little May Fly

Books and Hot Tea

The Book Corps

YA and Wine

Book Bum

The Comic Vault

There are so many wonderful bloggers I love here. It was actually really difficult picking just 20 to nominate!! I want to just nominate you all. 😀

My Questions For YOU!

  1. Do you believe in any superstitions? Or practice any even though you think it’s silly?
  2. What type of food did you hate as a kid but love now?
  3. Can you name a person that you’ve never met but that has inspired you in some way?
  4. What was the last movie you watched?
  5. What is your favorite work(s) of fiction to geek out over? (We’re talking books, TV & film, comics, etc.)

41 thoughts on “Mystery Blogger Award

  1. Congratulations on your Award, dear!! And thank you for nominating me!! I didn’t know your depression had been that bad. Your talking to someone with severe depression, whatever you felt, I’m sure I’ve felt too. We’re together.

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Thank you so much, both for the congrats and for the support. ❤ It truly means a lot. Depression can be such an isolating hell to go through even when you're surrounded by people who care about you. I wouldn't wish those feelings upon my worst enemy. It can be a hard thing to open up about but I think it's also important that we do. If nothing else it at least helps other people going through it know that they are not alone. I think your honesty on the subject in your own blog is something that really resonates with people. I have a lot of respect for you and the honesty and openness of your blog. 🙂 Thank you again, friend. And as you said, we're in this together! 😀


    1. You’re so welcome! 🙂 And thank you. *Hugs!* Yeah, depression is awful. It’s a shame so many people have to go through it. I feel like I’ve been fortunate in the support I have and the progress I’ve made since then though. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Firstly congratulations on your nomination! It’s no secret that I adore your blog and I admire you fr all of your posts. I want to say that I am happy that you have shared some experiences that have to be incredibly hard to talk about. We never know what anyone else is going through or battling, because of that, I try to be the best version of myself possible and help uplift people in anything that they choose to pursue. Since starting the blog I have met some incredible people and you are one of them that I will never forget.

    Now on to a less loaded topi, Thank You! I appreciate the nomination and will work to answer your questions and re-post as soon as possible! Have a great Tuesday!

    -Luna 😀

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Aw, thank you so much! ❤ I adore you and your blog as well, and I always look forward to your posts and chatting with ya! 😀
      Thanks for being so supportive. I was a little nervous opening up about it in my blog but I'm glad that I did now. 🙂 I agree with you so much about how we never know what others are going through and how we should try to be uplifting to others. It's so true.
      Looking forward to reading your own award post and seeing your answers to my silly questions. 😛 Hope you're having a wonderful week!

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Much Yay! Congrats my friend, well deserved indeed!! 🙂 and thank you so much for nominating the Precinct, if you manage to actually acquire teleportation skills, you will have to pay Precinct1313 a visit (being located at the edge of existence means nothing to someone who can visit anywhere at anytime) 😉

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Wow congrats on the award. That’s cool. You’re an open book, which is a good way to be. I think you and I have more in common than I first thought haha. I’m bad at lying to people I care about but good at lying FOR the people I care about. Eg to protect them etc. I’m also inviting myself over when it’s your birthday because that banana pie sounds amazing. I’d even just eat the short bread. I love short bread. I never ask for a birthday cake. I either get chocolate mousse or chocolate hedgehog which is a really dense chocolate slice. I’m a chocolate fiend haha. Also, thanks for nominating me. It was quite unexpected but I like surprises. It’s funny, I really started my blog to just document things and see what other people were doing. I’ve come to enjoy the community feel about it. I’ve made some cool and interesting blog friends. I can’t believe I was ever on Facebook when all this blogging business was going on haha. Anyway, stay cool.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Haha Seriously. This really is an awesome community full of great people. 🙂
      And yum! That chocolate mousse and chocolate hedgehog sounds like a great birthday treat too! I like some cake, but for the most part I think there are so many better sweets out there to be had! 😀
      Yeah, the shortbread crust totally makes the banana cream pie she makes. It’s good with a graham cracker crust too, but the shortbread takes it to the next level. Omg, now I want some sort of desert. lol
      Hope you’re having an excellent week!

      Liked by 1 person

      1. They’re these sweetened American crackers. (That makes them sound awful, but I swear they’re really good!) lol They make different flavors like cinnamon, honey, etc.
        People either just eat them as a snack or make pie crusts out of them by crushing them up and mixing them with a little bit of melted butter and sugar and then pressing the mixture into a pie baking dish for making cheesecakes or pies like pumpkin or banana cream.

        Liked by 1 person

  5. Congratulations on your award! Most deserved and more so especially since you volunteer and foster ❤️❤️❤️ I’ve been wanting to do the latter for years especially with kittens, but I need a bigger place.

    Thanks bunches for the nomination! Your questions look so fun! I can’t wait to answe them, and please don’t take the fact it will take me forever to get to this as a slight 😳 I’m just slower than a tortoise stuck in molasses on a cold day lol.

    Your BFF is awesome, too, and more so for getting you into blogging ❤️

    Liked by 2 people

    1. You’re very welcome! And no worries at all! I also take a lot of time sometimes to get to doing these awards. 😛
      Fostering is such a wonderful experience. I hope you get to do it one day. I would love to get back into it again in the future as well. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

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