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Review- How to Tell If Your Cat Is Plotting to Kill You

If you’re familiar with the webcomic The Oatmeal, chances are you know what you’re getting into with this one. 😉 Written and illustrated by Matthew Inman (aka- The Oatmeal), this book is full of craziness in comic-form, crass humor, and cats. Oh yes, so very many cats.


I find it rather appropriate that I write this review as my cat slumbers at my side, no doubt dreaming of murder and mayhem. Those of you with fuzzy hell beasts, er, I mean cats of your own, are sure to recognize plenty of your own cat’s habits throughout the pages of this book. But, as The Oatmeal will point out, Some of the most mundane-seeming things our feline friends do in their daily lives might just be major red flags indicating their nefarious intentions.

You might think it’s cute when your cat kneads you with their paws, but what if this is really just their way of checking your internal organs for signs of weaknesses? And what of that excessive shoveling they do when burying their poo in the kitty litter box? Yup, practice for when they have to bury your body later. Also, despite what most people would tell you, it isn’t a gift when your cat leaves you a dead bird or mouse. It’s a warning.


This art-filled book spans various cat-related subjects including, but not limited to:

6 ways to tell if your cat thinks it’s a mountain lion.

How you see your cat and how your cat sees you. (Hint: They see us as “giant hairless gorilla-pig slaves” only put on this earth to fulfill their every want and need.)

How to tell if your cat is plotting to kill you.

Having a baby vs. having a cat. (Quote from this section in regards to human infants: “Comes shrieking out of a vagina like some kind of jam-covered goblin.”) lol If you haven’t already guessed from that quote, this section is heavily in the favor of cats over babies.

If we treated our cats like they treat us.

The Bobcats. (If you’ve ever wondered what life at the office would be like if you had a couple of cats for co-workers, wonder no further. The Bobs are here to steal your sandwiches from the break room fridge, terrorize interns, and lick their own genitals all on the company’s dime.)/


I think this book could be the perfect gift for any cat lover you might have in your life. (Assuming they don’t mind some naughty language and potty humor, of course.) It’s makes for a fun little coffee table book, too. How could a title like that NOT spark up conversation? 😛 It was a fun and quick read (finished it in one sitting).


18 thoughts on “Review- How to Tell If Your Cat Is Plotting to Kill You

  1. This made me laugh. I’m not a massive fan of cats. On a side note I like that you use “you’re” and not “your” appropriately haha. I’m not a word nazi, well maybe a little, I screw things up all the time but that’s a big one for me haha. Anyway yeah Cats are bastards but kind of cute too. Mine used to hump my arm. When I was little I thought he was playing. When I grew older I felt violated!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. lol Glad it made ya laugh! 😀 And thanks, I’m pleased to hear I’m not an offender of misusing “your”/”you’re”. 😛 I try my best!
      lmao That’s crazy about your cat humping your arm like that!! I’ve never heard of a cat doing that before. lol Just dogs!

      Liked by 1 person

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