Posted in Doodles, Scribbles, and Paint, Oh My!

Fan Art Friday #2

Hard to believe it’s been a week already, but here we are! 🙂 I decided to whip up a speed-drawing of Pennywise the Dancing Clown from Andy Muschietti’s It. for my second installment of Fan Art Friday. I loved how absolutely creepy Pennywise’s face was in this scene so that’s the one I went with. The floaty Bill Skarsgård eyes, all the teefs. How could I possibly resist? 😛


It was fun to play with some new techniques and brushes for this one. I don’t think I’ve ever colored that many teeth in a single drawing. Haha

Definitely looking forward to what will (hopefully) be a relaxing weekend. Who knows if that will happen though. 😛

What are you weekend plans looking like? Watching any good horror movies or read any scary novels/graphic novels?

Posted in Doodles, Scribbles, and Paint, Oh My!, Uncategorized

My First Drawings of 2019

Jan and Feb art 5
New Year, New Sketchbook

I mentioned recently that I’d try to make more time for drawing this year, and part of that goal is to fill up the new sketchbook pictured above! 🙂 I loved the cover when I saw it and figured the new sketchbook might help to inspire me to keep at it with my drawing if I had an actual set amount of pages to fill up. So far it seems to be working. I’m definitely rusty and I’m tinkering around with watercolor brush pens so that’s been fun. It’s taking some getting used to but I feel like I’m *starting* to get the hang of them. Anywayyyy, here’s some of the WIP drawings I’ve got going so far.

Jan and Feb art 6

I did this Ignited Moth to be my profile picture and debut picture for Instagram. It seemed fitting to finally make a piece to go with the alias I’ve been blogging under the past couple years.

Jan and Feb art 4

A WIP shot of the girl that kicked off the following WIP piece. I need to fill in a dark background for it and add some more details, but you get the idea. I’ve always been a fan of drawing monsters, so expect plenty of those in the art posts to come. 😉

Jan and Feb art 2

It’s been interesting using the watercolor brush pens more. They’re definitely a good practice in patience for me. I have to go slowly and deliberately with each stroke and it can be difficult for me with my itty-bitty attention span. It’s kind of relaxing in its own way, too, though. Here’s a close up of the monster pictured above:

Jan and Feb art 3

I don’t really know what exactly I was going for with this guy. Like a horse skull mixed with some sort of Krampus vibe is about the only way I could describe the creative notion behind him.

Jan and Feb art 1

This drawing almost didn’t get beyond the sketch stage. I was originally going for a pinup Poison Ivy, then when it wasn’t going how I wanted I was going to do a whole Día de Muertos inspired makeup on her, but for now I’m leaving her like this. We’ll see what happens with her in the future. 🙂

Well, that’s it for today’s art post. I hope you guys enjoyed. What creative shenanigans have you been up to lately? What are your go-to art tools of the trade?


Posted in Doodles, Scribbles, and Paint, Oh My!, Uncategorized

Found Some Old Drawings

I love finding old and forgotten drawings. 🙂 I recently unearthed a couple old charcoal illustrations I did several years ago and figured I’d share them with you guys. It’s no secret that I love horror movies, and I’m pretty sure I did these as quick Halloween pieces, but I scanned them in together as a single image, so here we have Frankenstein’s Monster and the Bride of Frankenstein!





Posted in Doodles, Scribbles, and Paint, Oh My!, Uncategorized

Marie Curie (Women’s History Month Post #1)


For my first illustration for Women’s History Month I’ve decided to go with groundbreaking chemist and physicist, Marie Curie. Above is my drawing (I’ve packed up 99% of my art supplies for an upcoming move, so it’s pretty bare-bones and not done with the best tools. I didn’t even have any pencils left out to sketch it out, so it’s all pen and dry erase marker. lol) Anywhoo, let’s get to it and talk about some of the reasons I chose this particular woman to shine the spotlight on.  And rest assured, there are plenty of other awesome ladies I’ll be posting about throughout the month, so this is simply the first. 😉

Born on November 7, 1867, Madame Marie Curie was a French-Polish force to be reckoned with who went down in history as the first woman to win a Nobel Prize (1903) in physics, and later in chemistry. She also has the honor of being the first person (man or woman) to obtain Nobel honors twice. In other words, she was a genius bad ass.


A pioneer in the study of radioactivity, Marie Curie along with her husband and BFF Pierre discovered two new chemical elements, radium and polonium (named after Marie’s birthplace, Poland) and helped advance therapeutic medicine and the use of X-rays with their tireless work. Can we say Science Power Couple? 😛

Marie was also fearless in the face of war, devoting her time and resources, as well as risking her life, by helping wounded soldiers in France during the First World War by forming mobile X-ray teams driving vehicles nicknamed “Little Curies”.


She overcame many obstacles in her life, including refusing to be held down by gender-based education restrictions. Unable to attend the men’s-only University of Warsaw, Marie and her sister did whatever it was going to take to get their educations, including taking turns supporting one another, and Marie attended what was known as a “floating university” in Warsaw, which was basically an underground set of classes done in secrecy. Eventually she was able to study abroad, but her desire for the necessary schooling needed to chase her dreams didn’t come cheap, and she often had to choose her education over her own nutrition, frequently living on only bread and tea. Her sacrifices and determination paid off though, and she was able to pursue her passion in life. Not to mention the countless lives that have been saved over the years thanks to her discoveries and life’s work. Sadly, it is believed to be her very work that ended up costing Marie Curie her own life. Due to prolonged exposure to radiation both in her studies and while providing X-rays to wounded soldiers in field hospitals, she passed away from aplastic anemia on July 4, 1934 at the age of 66. Known by some as a martyr to science, she left behind one hell of a legacy and continues to inspire others to this day.


“Nothing in this world is to be feared, it is only to be understood. Now is the time to understand more, so we fear less.

“We must believe that we are gifted for something, and that this thing, at whatever cost, must be attained.

“A scientist in his laboratory is not a mere technician: he is also a child confronting natural phenomena that impress him as though they were fairy tales.”


Posted in Doodles, Scribbles, and Paint, Oh My!, Uncategorized

TBT: Old B&W Comic Fan Art

Haven’t done a Throwback Thursday art post in a while, so let’s go way the hell back and check out some of my old comic-related fan art, shall we? 🙂

Up first is a piece I made specifically for a contest Roman Dirge was doing for his Lenore comics. I did not win, but it was certainly a fun drawing to do.


Next, sticking with fan art for comics from SLG publishing, here’s a couple different characters from the comic series Gloomcookie.




Aaaaand last but not least, is Harley Quinn. I’ve been a fan of Harley for a long time, so of course she was bound to pop up here and there when I was looking through some of my older drawings. 🙂


As a TBT post would imply, these are all pretty old drawings, but I personally enjoy looking back on the old stuff, flaws and all, just to remember what I enjoyed drawing at that point in my life and to see how my style has changed and evolved over the years. 🙂 All of these were done with pencil, pen, and sharpie, my old go-to tools of the trade!

Posted in Doodles, Scribbles, and Paint, Oh My!, Uncategorized

Throwback Thursday Illustrations

Woo! It’s almost Friday, guys! 😀 I’ve been really busy the past few days so I just wanted to pop in with a quick TBT art post.

This one’s a serious blast from the past. Probably did this about 10 years ago, I think.

A much more recent piece. Probably just a couple years old, and it’s where my icon comes from! (Beetlejuice fan art of Lydia Deetz.)

Fan art piece of Dr. Harleen Quinzel I did about 6 years ago.

Hope you guys have all been having a great week and have a fantastic weekend! ❤

Posted in Doodles, Scribbles, and Paint, Oh My!, Uncategorized

Random Doodles and Bits

Hey, everyone! ❤ Just sharing some quick drawings I’d done a while ago. Hoping to work on new pieces tomorrow if I can find the time! 🙂



I don’t know why but I tend to like coloring people’s skin tones in various shades of grey. Not a very healthy look, but one I’ve often enjoyed doing for some reason.


Also, I’ve always drawn ladies wayyyy more than guys. It’s just more fun in my opinion. 🙂

What sorts of artsy things do you enjoy doing? Any quirky art habits? I’d love to hear about it!

Posted in Doodles, Scribbles, and Paint, Oh My!, Uncategorized

Paper and Pencils, and Sharpies, Oh My!

I was in a drawing mood the other day and wound up doing a few quick sketches, and figured I’d share them here. 🙂 Most of my drawings I’ve posted on here are older pieces, but I’m slowly but surely trying to get back into drawing again. Another goal being to learn lots of new art-related skills of various kinds through online tutorials this year.

A bewildered Totoro (fan art).

Random lady with dimples sketch.

Angel meets Devil.

They’re nothing fancy, but I was feeling creative and had fun doing it. 🙂

Any of you guys working on anything crafty or artsy right now? I’d love to hear about it. What sort of creative hobbies do you have or would you like to learn?

Posted in Doodles, Scribbles, and Paint, Oh My!, Uncategorized

Valentine’s Day Fan Art

It’s the weekend before Valentine’s Day so I thought I’d share some of my more lovey-themed doodles/fan art with you guys. Some are older than others so you’ll probably notice some definite changes in style and the varying tools I was using to draw/color them at the time. That’s one of the fun things about drawing, your style is constantly growing/changing as you continue to learn new skills and explore new art styles. 🙂

Sally from The Nightmare Before Christmas, daydreaming about Jack.

Severus crushing on Lily. “Always.” ❤

An older one of Harley Quinn, pining for her Puddin’.

Queen of Hearts fan art from volume 1 of the Tales from Wonderland comic.

Sheldon and Amy fan art sketch from The Big Bang Theory.

I’m off to do some Valentine’s Day baking now. The plan is chocolate chip muffins and chocolate covered cake balls. 🙂 I hope you guys all have an amazing weekend! ❤