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February 2021: Huskies, Hedgehogs, and Honey Chai Cakes, Oh My!

I can’t believe it’s already almost March! February was a busy and awesome month full of surprises so I figured it was time to get my butt back on the blog and do an update post. šŸ™‚ I just got my second dose of the Covid-19 vaccine this past Tuesday and I’m so happy and grateful. (Even if it did really knock me on my ass the day after with sore muscles/joints, fatigue, little waves of nausea, and a headache). After that, I was back to my normal self though and I was just thankful to be able to get it, so no regrets. Thanks, Science! ā¤

I also started the process towards going to school for graphic design. Michigan has a new program it has rolled out to get people over the age of 25 back in school to get their associate degree by covering their tuition. It’s such a great opportunity and was too good of an offer to pass up, so I’ll be starting classes this summer. I’ve even already got my college ID! One of my co-workers is already taking the exact program at the same college and has had great things to say about it, so I’m really excited. Pluuuus, I’ll get to share in this experience with my BFFĀ Cupcakes & Machetes since she is going back to college as well starting in the spring. šŸ˜€ Different schools/classes, but we’re both excited to geek out over school stuff together so that will make it even better all the way around!

Other fun surprises this month came in the form of two new fuzzy and prickly friends. A girl I went to school with before was recently trying to find a home for a good dog in a sad and tough situation so he wouldn’t have to go to a shelter so long story short, my parents opened their home to him and now have a lovable, goofy, clumsy, fluff monster to call their own. ā¤ My other new little animal friend came in the form of a lovely little hedgehog at my work. She’s so sweet and cute and the participants at my job just absolutely adore her, as do I. šŸ™‚

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It wouldn’t be an update post on THIS blog if I didn’t mention recent reads, hobbies, and baking. I didn’t have as much time for those things as I’d have hoped, buuuut I did bake this delicious Honey-Drizzled Cinnamon Chai Cake:


In reading news, I happily read Neil Gaiman’s The Graveyard BookĀ  this month. It was such a treat. Kind of a nice and cozy, comfort read. šŸ™‚ I also started reading Leigh Bardugo’sĀ The Lives of Saints (Grishaverse)Ā  and, for a refresher before the Netflix adaptation comes out, I’m re-reading/listening toĀ Shadow and Bone. I just watched the official trailer yesterday and I. Am. PUMPED. ā¤

graveyard book

Well, those are my updates for the month! šŸ™‚ I also did some writing and more practice with digital art but not as much as I had planned due to all the other stuff going on. All in all, though, February was a pretty good month. I hope you guys all had a good go of it as well. ā¤ Looking forward to catching up on some blog posts I’ve missed but please fill me in on any excitement I have missed in the mean time. What were your highlights of the past few weeks?


22 thoughts on “February 2021: Huskies, Hedgehogs, and Honey Chai Cakes, Oh My!

  1. Oh! I’ve seen you on Goodreads! I’m friends with with Cupcakes & Machetes on there, and she liked someone’s post who was reading Gaiman with a name similar to C&M. LoL, I’ll head over and friend you, if that is okay. I like to get ideas for what to read next, even if someone doesn’t review a book and just marks it as read.

    I’m nervous about the whole nausea aspect of the second vaccine, but to be fair, I haven’t even had my first vaccine. In Indiana, they are strictly doing first responders and then moving down by decades. Right now, we’re on 60+ but from what I heard, they had a hard time with 70+ so I’m not sure what’s going on.

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    1. Haha yup, that’s me! I added you back too! šŸ™‚
      Luckily the nausea I mentioned wasn’t too bad, just enough to kind of catch me off guard a couple times but I never actually ended up throwing up thankfully. Didn’t have much of an appetite at all that day though because of it. I hope you can get your vaccine soon. ā¤ I know, this whole thing is kind of a mess. They're having a lot of issues here too. C&M and I were able to get it because we work in healthcare but I don't know many people who have been able to get it other than co-workers at this point. Hopefully it will get better soon.


      1. My mom is also up in Michigan and got the vaccine because she works in a correctional facility. She’s only 61, so does not yet meet the age requirements.

        I’m so glad that you and C&M are going back to school. I didn’t mention that in my previous comment, but I’m proud to be from Michigan and know that they are helping folks get an associates degree. As a former (adjunct) professor, I can tell you non-traditional (older) students are much more prepared, curious, and get more out of school than students who are 18 and straight from high school (and are largely looking for the “college experience”). I hope you tell us more about your classes as you take them!

        Liked by 1 person

      2. Aw, thank you so much! ā¤
        Yeah, I will definitely be doing updates about my schooling journey. šŸ™‚ I'm sure C&M will be too! We're both so excited! lol


      3. We’ve actually been IRL best friends since we were little kids but right now we’re living further apart again. Not as far apart as we’ve lived before, thankfully.


  2. Hey there my friend, it’s lovely to see you back in blogging land. glad to hear you’ve safely had your second vaccine jab even if it did cause a certain amount of nausea, still waiting on my first one here, but hopefully soon. Awww, those two new fluffy additions are adorable, make sure you pet them for me, I also indulged in some Leigh Bardugo this month with Wonder Woman: Warbringer graphic novel, and it was rather fantastic indeed. šŸ™‚

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you, I will definitely be sure to give my new fluffy friends some extra pets on your behalf! ^_^
      I hope you get to get your vaccine soon! ā¤
      That's awesome that you got to enjoy some of Leigh Bardugo's work recently too. I really enjoy her writing. šŸ™‚ I actually have the novel for WW: Warbringer on my shelf waiting to be read so I'm glad to hear the graphic novel for it was such a good read! šŸ˜€

      Liked by 1 person

  3. That might be one of the best titles ever. šŸ˜€
    Cherokee is always smiling in almost every picture I’ve seen of him. He’s super pumped to live with your parents now and get spoiled rotten. ā¤
    I might die of hedgehog cuteness. Even if she did her little bubble cleaning thing in front of me lol.
    Yay we're school kids again! As if we weren't already the MIGHTIEST pair of best friends as is, soon we'll have college degrees to add to all the bullshit shenaningans we can get into together, HAHA! šŸ˜€
    I need that cake in my life. *drools*

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Haha Thank you! ā¤
      Yeah, he is such a happy boy and he makes them so happy too! ^_^
      Haha the bubble thing is really cute too in its own weird kinda way. šŸ˜›
      Haha and yesss, I love that we get to add college degrees to our epic BFF saga of the ages. ā¤

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  4. Omg I’m so happy for you and C&M! The moment you mentioned you were going to school under that program, I immediately thought that, too! I…am honestly surprised you didn’t study graphic design since I’ve seen your art ā™„ My BFF majored in graphic design.

    Omg I love the fluff and spikey babies.

    I just reviewed The Graveyard Book! I want to reread The Jungle Book(s) now to do a comparison. It was a really good read.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Aww, thank you very much! ā¤ That's such a nice thing to hear. I'm so intimidated (but also really excited) about taking the Graphic Design courses so your comment made me feel a lot better about it! ^_^
      I can't wait to read your review on The Graveyard Book. It was such a fun read. I've only ever seen the old Disney Jungle Book (never read the book) but from what I remember of it I can totally see the parallels between the 2 stories. šŸ™‚ I think it's my favorite Gaiman book I've read so far (haven't read too many yet, but still.) šŸ˜›

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      1. I would love to go back to school just for forever lol. I’d legit be a professional student if it were feasible. I think you’ll learn a lot more to add to your knowledge base!

        I…THINK I finished the review lol. The Rudyard Kipling book is…quite different from the Disney version as can be expected since they tend to make things more kid friendly, but I’d agree even from the movie there are parallels.

        I’ve now read three Gaiman books: the fore mentioned, Star Dust, and The Ocean at the End of the Lane. I remember trying him years ago with American Gods, and I just couldn’t get into his writing style (or maybe it was Neverwhere?), but now I’m used to it, though I couldn’t finish Sandman his graphic novel collaboration. I wrote a DNF review of that. I think Ocean is my favorite still!

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