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1 Month Into “Writer Girl Summer”


Secretly this past month, behind the scenes, this ignited moth has been busy. Today marks one month since I’ve started my own personal writing goal for the summer. You always see the “Hot Girl Summer” hashtag so I tweaked the name and dubbed this summer “Writer Girl Summer”. 😛 I have a tendency to want to work on a million things at once, but this summer my focus is on writing (with the exception of a couple small drawing challenges like the Shark Week art challenge I previously posted). The goal is simple: take the scraps of writing I’d previously been working on, the very detailed plot outline, and a metric fuck ton of caffeine, and use this summer to complete the first draft for my book I’m working on.


I feel like this past month was REALLY productive, but the past couple days I’ll admit, I’ve been slacking, so what better way to get motivated again than to hold myself accountable by posting about it here on my blog? 😉 Changing some of my writing habits has been really helpful, and I really want to keep that momentum going.


What are you working on this summer? 🙂 Do you find that the more people you talk to about your goals, the more successful you are in the long run? I’m sure hoping that sharing my writing journey here will help keep me on track. 😀


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Utterly Pooped.


Sometimes I look at my cat and think to myself, “What a life.” She has no kitty bills, doesn’t have to spend 40 hours a week or more at a cat job, she gets constant praise and care for nothing more than being adorable, and the most anyone expects out of her is to poop in the appropriate box and not to scratch up the furniture. I can do those things, too, damnit. Ugh. Being a human is absolute butts.


None of these drawings are mine, FYI. I’m far too lazy to be drawing right now. I did do a couple pieces for that Haunted Garden Art Challenge, but I’ll post those another time. For now I just lament about my non-kitty existence. (If you can’t tell, work has been completely kicking my ass lately.)


This post is mostly just a “Hey, there, Stranger. Yeah, I didn’t drop off the face of the earth despite what my blogging activity this past month might imply” sort of post. Oh, and an excuse to post cats, too, of course.

I’ve got a 5 day holiday weekend coming up and I am SO ready! I hope June has been a kind month to all of you. ❤

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May 2021 Wrap-Up

May really feels like it lasted all of ten whole seconds this year. I couldn’t have told you it’s already been 2 weeks since my last Fan Art Friday post, but here we are just the same. 😛

Anywhoooo, it’s update time. Gonna keep this brief because I’m very, very tired and sleep is calling my name.

.quarantine meme 1

READING: I finished reading all the volumes of Attack on Titan that are currently out, and now it seems I’ll be waiting until October for the final volume to be released so I can see how the epic saga ends. That will be pretty good timing since the second half of the final season of the anime will start back up this winter. I really hope there’s a good ending because the series has knocked my socks off since the beginning.

TELEVISION: Schitt’s Creek and a bunch of anime, including Kabaneri of the Iron Fortress, which I’m really enjoying so far. 🙂


BAKING: The only things I was ambitious enough to bake this month were a coconut cream cheese danish for Mother’s Day and a dark chocolate cake with cream cheese frosting for a family member’s birthday.

DRAWING: After finally getting the iPad Pro and accessories I’ve been drooling over for a while, I’ve been having a ball starting to learn how to use it all and have already picked up some really useful new techniques and skills I didn’t have before. It’s all been very exciting! ❤


I am soooo ready for this long holiday weekend. I have 5 days off from work and I’m planning to savor every single minute of that time. Especially because I finally get to be reunited with the most fabulous BFF in all the land, my number #1 Partner in Crime, Cupcakes & Machetes!! ❤ ❤ ❤ Can’t wait for the shenanigans to commence! 😀


Posted in Uncategorized, Whatcha Reading??

2019 Reading Challenge: COMPLETE!

Screenshot_2019-07-10 Recent updates Goodreads

Woo! A few days ago I officially completed my reading challenge for the year! 😀 And even though I still have six months to go, I plan on sticking pretty much to my original plan. I kept my reading goal low, slashing it in half from last year’s 50 down to an easily attainable 25. The reason I did this was to be able to shift my focus to some of my other goals, the main one being writing. Well, as previously stated, I intend to GET. SHIT. DONE. over the next six months, so I’m ready to pour my all into writing for the rest of the year. Still, I thought it’d be fun to discuss how the reading challenge went. 🙂


I started the year off on a dystopian/post apocalyptic streak with The Road and The Handmaid’s Tale.


From there I ventured off into some lighter whimsical fantasy with Howl’s Moving Castle and a re-read / buddy read of Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone with Cupcakes & Machetes.


I also squeezed in some good non-fiction with Remarkable Books: The World’s Most Beautiful and Historic Works and the morbid but very interesting The Knife Man: Blood, Body Snatching, and the Birth of Modern Surgery. (The latter of which I intend to do a special review of for blogging buddy and podcast extraordinaire, Imperial Rebel Ork for his and his buddy’s Fly on the Wall Podcast.)


Eventually I found myself in a total Urban Fantasy binge, devouring two novellas and the third full-length novel of The Iron Druid Chronicles as well as the first installment of the Mercy Thompson novels.

I’m sorry (not really) but I found this one while looking up memes and I couldn’t resist adding it. The struggle is REAL, I tell you!

Along with these titles were several graphic novels of various genres (horror, slice of life style comics, superhero, action, and comedy). I also read River of Teeth recently which was such a great story that I will probably end up reading its sequel sometime soon despite insisting I’ll not be reading much the next few months. 😉


Well, that’s it for me, but how has YOUR reading challenge been going this year? 🙂 What was your reading goal? How’s it going? Let’s talk books! ❤

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May The 4th Be With You!


Happy Star Wars Day, everyone!! ❤

After several super-busy weeks, I’m finally all moved and ready for things to start settling back into something vaguely resembling normalcy. I’ve missed all you fine and fancy folks and your snazzy blogs, so I’m looking forward to playing catch-up this weekend with plenty or reading and commenting. 🙂

Hoping to start posting much more frequently again now that I’m getting more settled into the new job and new place. And what better day to hop back into things than Star Wars Day?? 😀 That said, let the memes commence!!









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Winter, GTFO!

Uggghhhhhhhh . . . *groans and rolls around in blankets until burrito formation is properly achieved* . . . I don’t wanna get out of bed and go out into the stupid white wonder that is winter. I hates it. I just hates it so damn much.


I’ll admit, I’m currently lucky enough to have a job that calls everyone off for snow days when the weather is deemed bad enough. That was the case on Monday and I have been frantically checking and re-checking my work e-mails and the school district’s closings this morning to see if that would somehow be the case again today. Thus far, no luck. -_-


That means it’s nearly time for me to grumble my way out of bed and put on non-pajama clothes (seriously, the worst kind). Meh! Fuck pants! I just wanna use my blanket like a superhero cape and keep my fuzzy penguin PJ’s on forever.


Sorry, but this post is pretty much just an ode to the suckage that is winter. If you live somewhere right now where you have to shovel, scrape, and bundle up but still manage to have snow soak through your shoes/boots to leave the house, I’m pretty sure you probably understand.


If you stuck around and read my little tantrum, thanks for letting this girl vent a little. ❤ I’m a firm believer in the power of venting/ranting/letting it all out when you need to. Hopefully spring will offer its sweet, warm embrace soon. 🙂


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A Series of Blah Blah Blah’s . . .

I’ve got a teeny bit of free time right now so I’m gonna just share some quick updates! Here they are, in a quick succession of brief blah blah blah’s:

Blah #1: The new job is going great. 😀 I love being a program instructor and my class and team make me enjoy going to work every day. ❤ Plus the schedule is fantastic and I’ll never have to worry about working holidays or weekends.


Blah #2: Had a great weekend with my boyfriend. 🙂 We went and did a lot of things this Friday and Saturday (like see the new shark movie 47 Meters Down at my insistence). lol Sharks are my jam, what can I say? We also played a bunch of Shovel Knight which was a lot of fun.


Blah #3: I failed at doing a Father’s Day blog post in honor of my dad like I did for my mom. I got to spend time with him though and we watched Star Wars movies and I gave him prezzies for being such an awesome dad. We had a nice dinner, too, so it was all good. 🙂


Blah #4: The new job (combined with the one I had) leaves me without as much free time so I’m doing me best to keep up here. If it takes me longer to post or comment and stuff that is why. I still love blogging and chatting with you guys! ❤

Blah #5: I haven’t done a writing update in forever here mostly do to lack of time, but I haven’t given up! I just need to find a happy balance and figure out ways to squeeze more writing time in. Hopefully I can do a proper writing update again soon.


That’s it for my quick little updates. I hope you’re all having a great week. Feel free to share any recent blah’s of your own! 😀

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Updates: Bees, Mermaids, Jogging, Science, Margaritas & Pugs!

BLARRRGH! So many things going on right now. It’s all good though, just a bit hectic. I’m multitasking like a beast right now at least, so that helps.


It’s probably going to be a few days before I can get back to my blog and catch up on reading others’ posts since I’ve got a busy weekend ahead of me, so I figured I’d just pop in for some quick updates.

Update #1:

Remember my post about how Cheerios and Veseys Seeds teamed up to mail out millions of wildflower seeds to encourage people to plant them and help out with the lowered bee populations? Well, I checked the mail and discovered that they’d finally come! 😀 Huzzah! Looking forward to getting to plant them soon!


Update #2:

You know those big props with the holes in them that you stick your face up to . . . I swear I am not talking about a glory hole here, people. I mean those big standup photo prop images where you put your face through the hole to take a picture? Here’s a Ghostbusters one Cupcakes and Machetes and I used to take a photo with in case my terrible description still hasn’t made it clear what I’m babbling about.

C&M (on the left) and Me (on the right). “We came, we saw, we kicked its ass.”

Well, although mine I made was no where near as cool as this Ghostbusters one, I made one of these picture stand thingies! (I should really learn what they’re actually called.) A friend needed a mermaid one for her daughter’s birthday party, so here’s what I came up with for her. (Forgive the terrible quality of my kindle’s camera. The colors are a lot more vibrant in person, and this was before I used a blade to cut out the mermaid’s face hole. Which is definitely a phrase I never thought I would write.)


Update #3:

I’ve decided to take up jogging! Which is something I never thought I’d say. Even more so than “cutting out a mermaid’s face hole”. 😛 I usually prefer other types of workouts but it really wasn’t that bad. At least not as bad as I remember it being in high school gym class. Don’t get me wrong, I’m definitely feeling it in my legs, but it wasn’t as torturous as I’d expected it to be. My boyfriend was into running track and playing soccer in school so I asked him for some running tips, and I found that listening to music while doing so made it way more pleasurable of an experience. Well, as pleasurable as running can be, really.


Update #4:

Getting ready for my weekend out of town. I’m so excited! 🙂 Celebrating Cupcakes and Machetes’ dirty thirty birthday/margarita-fest! Book club! Participating in the local March for Science! There’s so much fun to be had. I’ve still gotta pack, wrap those presents, make her birthday dessert, and do what only feels like a million other things, but I’m really looking forward to hanging out with my friends. ❤

There’s plenty of other things going on that have really been keeping me busy, but I won’t bore you with the details, and besides, I still have a lot to work on before I head out of town tomorrow. So with that said, enjoy some pugs!


Gandalf, the smoosh-faced.


Cutest infestation ever.

Posted in Uncategorized, Writing, Writing, Tra La La

Bring On the Writing Memes!

Today is another busy day, but I’m doing my best to squeeze in some writing where I can! As well as doing some shopping for a certain BFF of mine’s upcoming birthday. (Cupcakes and Machetes, you spoiled bitch, you!) 😛 ❤

I also wanted to squeeze in a quick blog post, so prepare yourselves, Memes Are Coming! Writing memes to be exact! 😉


This is probably true.

FACT: I am beyond guilty of this. My main character is still known as MC in my first draft at this point. But I can tell ya all about how she looks, her back story and family history, etc. lol  /FAIL.


Also, if I were ever to be put on trial for murder, my google search history would probably condemn me to life in prison. Hey, man, writers gotta do their homework on grim topics sometimes. 😛

Hmm . . . some of you may have not been alive long enough yet to get this meme.

Truth! I’m a total plot hopper. I write around.


This is so true. I have to prepare like I’m about to present a business project any time I am asked to explain what the hell I’m currently writing about.


lol And this is why I’m so horrible at explaining what I’m writing about to people. It’s almost like it’s easier to write the whole damn book than to briefly explain it. 😛


So, yeah, those are the writing memes I decided to share! 🙂 Do any of these memes strike true to you when you’re writing, too?

Maybe tomorrow I’ll post some writing inspirational quotes I like if I can squeeze it in. Happy writing/blogging, everyone!! ❤